The 2013 Witchcraft Holiday Calendar is here! just in time for Halloween, the Witches New Year!
12 pages of magical fun facts and spells featuring the exciting illustrations of me, Dame Darcy, and your favorite Goddesses. $15. Includes shipping wherever you are. Hand signed to you or a friend, on Etsy specify your friend's name.
Also, the bejeweled one of a kind Handbook For Hot Witches books. Only 10 available at this time so get 'em while they're hot! Perfect for a holiday gift.
To buy on Etsy:
If you'll be in the Chicago area on October 29th, you should stop by Quimby's at 1854 W North Ave Chicago,IL 60622, it begins at 7pm! The fun continues in Chicago at Bert Green Fine Art Gallery PRESENTING...
Dame Darcy "Hot Witch," Ink on Paper, 11 x 8.5", 2012 a fantastic show of drawings as well as Book Release Party forHandbook for Hot Witches
One Night Event
Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 5-8 pm
(I will be there!)
Bert Green Fine Art
8 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 1220
Chicago IL 60603
GLOBAL WARMING AND FRANKENSTORM...A little advice and encouragement to all who suffers from Hurricane Sandy:
We were born into this system in which we had no say in the making. A century ago they thought they were doing the best they could to improve the conditions of the human race, but they set the system up wrong and now we, the animals , and all of nature must pay. These kinds of colossal storms breaking out don't even need to be a wake up call or a reminder to the error of our ways as a race. We are already well aware of global warming and the error of our ways, but what can we do to stop the spiral? Changing little habits every day and being aware of our impact on a bigger level helps but essentially our system is broken and its going to take a lot to break the old patterns and build anew. Nostradamus and other profits predict the end and rebirth of our time on earth now. How we operate is not sustainable, but their prophecy did not say it was the end of the world, as so many have misquoted, actually it is a new era.
The age of Pisces (the fish) and Jesus is waning and a new era, Aquarius, a time of femininity and thinking out of the box is upon us.
We can no longer go by the rules of man, for they have always been wrong, when we go by the rules of Nature and understand what this is the ultimate governing power are we can live in harmony, though in the beginning it may be more difficult to shift. May the Goddess bless and protect you my friends in the eastern sea board and all of those effected by Hurricane Sandy. Find peace in your hearts and safety for your selves and homes. We are all in this together!
Magic Blessings,
Dame Darcy