Meanwhile I worked for years on this book and it's finally out in self published form! Yay!
Dame Darcy Faeiry Food Vegetarian, Raw, and Vegan cook book. 80 pages of illustrated recipes, on rainbow paper with multicolored covers. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, snacks, and drinks, even raw food recipes kids can make simply with a butter knife and a blender. These delicious recipes like the raw food nachos, or the cake and ice cream which replace carbs, fat, calories and sugar with the equivalent of fat and calories found in a hand full of vegetables, fruit, nuts and water. Environmentally awesome too because when you eat mostly produce you cut down on land fill and the costs of recycling. Meanwhile I lost 15 pounds eating all day on the raw food diet and kept it off. Magic Faeiry Blessings! DD
Alan Moore was kind enough to write a story for Meat Cake #9. Here are the originals now up for bidding.
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