EMERGENCY! RESPOND IMMEDIATELY: I’m supposed to tour with Rasputina this month. I’m last minute booked to do a few shows in the Midwest. Here are the dates:
*Saturday Dec. 10th
Colorado Springs CO
Black Sheep 2106 Platte Ave.
*Sunday Dec. 11th
Lawrence KS
Granada 1020 Massachusetts Ave.
*Monday Dec. 12th
Sauget IL
I need a courageous and wonderful person (or persons) with a car to drive with me to these locations, the guarantee will pay for gas. If you fit this description and want to go on an adventure of a life time, you are not a stalker. Please respond immediately! I have to get someone as quickly as possible so I can get affordable airline tickets!
Or... if you are any one who lives in these areas and would like to get into the show for free in exchange for letting my traveling companion and I stay at your house for the night of the show. (Again, no stalkers need apply) also please contact me at the following address:
damedarcy1@msn.com, Subject: TOUR DRIVING ADVENTURE? YES! Or STAY AT MY HOUSE! Please answer only here, that means YOU friend groups. Or else I will not see your wonderful and courageous responses, and then I will cry while throwing the computer into the pit where they throw the dead zombies.
And on a cheerier note: HAPPY DOLLY- DAYS EVERY ONE!
It’s just this primal thing with me but I actually get HAPPIER looking at the gay multicolored glow of holiday lights, the same with clown polka dots. I heard some wicked awesome news out there for all you hot witches, Paganism and witchcraft are the fastest growing religion in The United States Of America today! That means Xmas is weirder than ever! Though I loathe today’s consumer culture, I love to get and give presents and I also get back in touch with so many lost souls over the Holliday season... it just warms the cockles of my broken, black heart. So shopping isn’t ALWAYS bad is it? And with that...
JUST IN TIME FOR THE DOLLY-DAY SEASON New and bizarre Gift Items for all your gift giving needs!
^v^ (Christmas bat approved)^v^
Yes, this demented pony was sent to me by Hasbro and featured in a gallery expose by Thunderdog toys. The show was so weird, it was at the Milk Gallery in NY and these were all these freaky lookin’ ponies. Mine is now available on E bay. Look for Dame Darcy and all special items appear. The lovely people on this mailing list are in the know about the "specials" way before and of the random DD.commers.
It will also be seen in the “dolls" section of DD.com. but in a few days ...so get while the gettin’s good! It is 80% bigger than usual, approx 24 inches. All black and white like a pen and ink drawing in real life. But glistening and glittery. And with a unicorn horn! 2 specialty dolls were made for it, all black and white with the ultra luxurious pony hair.
This doll house was lovingly hand crafted to look like the in the woods in Bone, Idaho where I spent my summer days as a child. Every thing made from found organic objects. Shell, rock and wood furniture. Mosaic cracked dishes form the tiles on the floor. Victorian postcards and wrapping paper decoupage wallpaper. Minute stitches on vintage fabrics form the bedding and curtains in the loft. A tiny armoire, vase and paper roses, a crystal ball and fortune telling table, with die cast Victorian silver doll chairs. A magic witch broom and antique cup from Holland. Last but not least portraits of dolls and an intricately crafted chandelier made from glass beads. The house is solid wood, painted blue with blue roses. The back and roof are on hinged doors that open for play or display. House to be viewed now on E-Bay
Ideal gift for any one 7yrs.-107 yrs.
^v^ RARE AND EXCITING MUSIC! See now in Music section of DameDarcy.com ^v^
This lovely little blue grass album is now 13 yrs. old! Dame Darcy and Miss Christine on Banjo with pal Mr. Christe on Fiddle. This here’s a hum-dinger! And only 20 of them left in this signed, limited edition.
Thanks to ir-ar records heralding from the United Kingdom. This Rare little monstrosity has arisen. This album sounds like someone’s demented idea of dance music? I was out of my mind when I made this, and it shows. This album is the sound equivalent to a freak show. Very rare. Only 25 available now and for eternity.
^v^ DVD ^v^
Yes, the modern format for today’s viewing pleasure, now conveniently available! See the critically acclaimed NY public Access show ^v^ Turn of the Century ^v^, featuring Movies and Animation by DD and Blessed Elysium.
^v^ MEAT CAKE THE PLAY ^v^ and ^v^ DAME DARCY’S TV “SPECIAL” ^v^ Featuring yours truly on those popular American shows straight from Hollywood and into your gut: The 5th Wheel, Blind Date, Etc....
Now available on DVD! Go to the movies section of DD.com to find out more!
And speaking of movies, now that the business part is over let’s talk about pleasure. I mean more business... My 2 Feature Films. Planet Blue and Gasoline. Things are hopping in ye ole’ movie corral.
I have investors, distributors, actors, directors, animators, musicians and fashion designers all interested and producing these films at the moment. But by nature, feature films are quite the endeavor, so if anyone knows any body who would like to be involved please contact me at: damedarcy1@msn.com, subject: MOVIE MANIA. I’ll go into detail about these movies later, but I’m exhausted now so I gotta go lie in my proverbial flower bed for a couple hours.
Peace to you all on this fine Holliday season!
Love Dame Darcy
All new exciting events are happening for the Haloween and fall season!
I’m joining forces once again with Lisa Carver (Suckdog) to tour the East
Coast in October and the West coast in November. Its going to be quite the
little shin dig. Its to promote the release of Lisa’s new book Drugs are
Nice, about the life and times that were to be had in the early 90’s weirdo
art and music DIY scene. It was fun but still more fun is to be had
apparantly. The shows and dates will be posted at the end of this entry.
Also, I publicly announce and thank Thistle, Scott Matalon and Greyson, the
production crew from Boston that came here to shoot the scenes we finished
of Gasoline, the feature film/graphic novel I have deticated and sacrificed
my life for for the past half decade (living in LA instead of NY is quite
the sacrifice I must say). The footage looks awesome and more digital
compositing is being done here in town by my dear friend Peter V. its all
turning out amazing. I also wish to thank Amy F. the lead actress for
helping me to coordinate this shoot in so many ways, Benjamin, Cy, and the
lovley pirate girls Shanna, Stephanie, Starla, Jane, Nanci ! Ahoy mermaties!
And the littliest mermaid Tasja and mom Dawn (Dot). Charles Schnieder Mr.
Warlock the magic maniac. Renee, Joseph, Mechanic Ken and Son.
So, anyway, we should have the example scenes finished by November, and the
screenplay revised when I return to the West Coast. It is very exciting!
We are using all this to get more actors, crew, and investors, and I have a
few good leads but we can always use more of everything. If any of you have
any ideas for rich eccentric people interested in making an art movie about
the appocalypse or any free enterprise business people or and visionaries of
any kind please send them my way!
Write to damedarcy1@msn.com and put GASOLINE! HELP! in the subject line.
I also have another Feature Film that I initally wrote a decade ago
(indeed!) but has been revised and is all slick and fancy now called Planet
******PLANET BLUE******
We currently have producers for it and a relatively large budget but need a
director that is experienced in Animation or knows how to work with
animation and fabrication and I’ll be the darn animation director, but I
need a REAL director. (not that directing short films or working as an
assistant director to someone and all this is not directing, it very much
IS, and is very important) but this is the profile of a director that I
*Some one who has directed a feature film before and has the capibility of
getting us further organization and /or funding. We can actually pay this
person, and I mean really. I’m not getting into money specifics on this
posting , but believe me, this is a paying job.
I have alot of leads and interest for this position that I am persuing
methodically , but I am open to suggestion, and further leads from any of
you kind people out there.
to contact me regarding this unique query please write damedarcy1@msn.com
PLANET BLUE! HELP! in the subject line.
Now onto the next topic. Dame Darcy.com is currently up and running. Its
doing pretty good so far, and there are alot of interesting new items for
sale and fun doll games to play and music to hear and what have you, we
will be updating and changing this to keep it interesting all the time. The
thing that changes most is the fashion page, I am posting new hand made
coutre every week on the fashion page and selling items on E Bay. Pyscotic,
whimisical, wearable and affordiable art hand crafted with love from yours
truely. Check it out!
I’m looking for a business person to help me organize this site, but it has
to be someone with business experience please no stalkers or any one that
want to single white female me. Jesus.
I have debated the whole time we’ve been organizing the site to even ask for
a business manager here. But what the hell...
Death By Doll (our band) is done with our album done done done. All done.
Now working on the next one of course, a little ditty of lullabies and other
dark psydelic stuff entitled (currently) as" Blimpy loves Choo Choo" or "We
Shadow Forth". The Death By Doll release date by our first album Gasoline is
the Gasoline soundtrack and the release date has not been disclosed to me by
our label (Emperor Penguin) but I will let you all know as soon as I find
OK, so speaking of music, heres the tour info and dates for the tour with
Lisa Carver:
OCT. 6
Chutney Flats in
Portsmouth NH
OCT 22
3:oo pm
Providence RI
OCT 23
7:00 PM
OCT 24
Ware House Next Door
Washington DC
OCT 25
after party at Nerve Mag
for more details go to
OCT 26
Fashion show featuring Dame Darcy Coutre!
Oct 31st
Jaques Underground
Nov 10
il Corral
Nov 11
Modern Times
San Francisco
Nov 12
Reading Frenzy
Nov 13
Confounded Books
Seattle WA
So, what the hell are we going to do on this tour you may ask. It is said
there will be a book reading, informative lecture and a few songs played by
yours truely on the Autoharp. All in "Suck dog style" if you know what I
Sorry i couldn’t list the times and exact addresses of the clubs, but they
were not given to me. A little research may be required.
See you there! Love Dame Darcy
Come See Dame Darcy performing shanties and murder ballads with a banjo and singing saw tomorrow night, sept 16, 2005 at Tangier on the corner of Hillhurst and Los Feliz Blvd. across from the Derby. The show starts at 8:30 and it only costs 5 bucks to get in so you won’t want to miss it!
Also, don’t forget to check out Dame Darcy.com because it is becoming more deluxe by the minute with paintings and illustrations and all kinds of great stuff now available online!
Dame Darcy.com Art Teacher Extraordinaire. Every Sunday 3:00-5:00 In Echo Park
Ages 6-13 Welcome. Arts and Crafts for neighborhood children. Drawing, Painting, Doll Crafting, Book Binding + writing, knitting+sewing, design, Jewelry making, Paper and fabric colage, puppets,+ more!
ART IS LIFE! Any problem can be solved through Creativity! You can make anything from nothing!
E-MAIL ME AT:damedarcy1@msn.com SUBJECT: sunday art class
*Preschool teacher in San Francisco 3yrs (various)
*college professor 2 yrs New York City 1989-2000 School of Visual Arts
*Holly wood middle school , after school arts program 2002- LACER
2 Hr. Class
All art supplies included
$20. per individual child
$10. each for two (set of siblings)
Thanks! Love Dame Darcy
Every day I am racing the clock to get a million and a half things done before I go on tour.
I really need help with my e mails from a trustworthy soul that believes in the power of art, magic and Do-it -yourself. Basically an e mail assistant and basic very basic computer skills person that lives in the LA area and can meet with me a couple times a week.
Come on computer geeks! You don’t even have to hit me with your best shot, you just have to know how to check e mails, post blogs, and scan. You know who you are!
I also need a competent (sp?) screen writer or script doctor. My feature film Gasoline is currently in pre production and to get the initial funding I need some one to reduce my working screenplay into a bite sized professional form. If you or any one you know fit the bill for this please contact me. I would prefer this person lives in the LA area as well but maybe not necessary. By the way, Gasoline is a movie and graphic novel included with an album by Death By Doll about witches that live after the apocalypse, FUN!
Because I don’t have a computer asst. just yet the best way o contact me is not through this group but to write me directly at damedarcy1@msn.com. Please specify "lovely computer assistant" or "fabulous screen play /script dr." in the subject line so I can identify you from the other million e mails.
Love Always,
Dame Darcy
The new DameDarcy.com is up and running and we’d like you to come flit around it for a bit!
It features:
The New Dame Darcy couture line with auction links to Ebay
Exciting updated news about the Dame’s exploits and enterprises
An all new Gallery Page, featuring brand new original drawings and paintings to purchase, ranging in all prices
A section to shop for Dame Darcy books, music, and fashion
Come visit the Dame http://www.damedarcy.com
Death By Doll and Lion Fever will be playing at Los Angeles’ El Cid Theater on Sunset Blvd.
Show starts at 9pm. Don’t miss out!
4212 Sunset Blvd.
Silver Lake, CA
(323) 668-0318
A note from Dame Darcy:
Hey Homies,
Lady Fest was really great, and we had the best time! I want to thank Mariella and Calvin for helping me get out there. Thanks to the DameDarcy.com website team for helping me splash some bat love all over the web:
Brandy, 1st mate, documentation, web designer
Benjamin Mahoney, animator
Tony Boies, tech support
Jenny Villigran, tech support
Lydia, Bon Vivant
Ben Mahony, everythin’
July 17th, 1:00 PM, San Diego Comic-Con
Come see Dame Darcy at the San Diego Comic-Con, on Sunday, July 17th! She’ll be signing and chatting at the Fantagraphics and Eros Comix booth (booth #1716) starting at 1:00 PM.
San Diego Convention Center: (619) 525-5000
111 W Harbor Dr San Diego, CA 92101
»§«,¸¸,.•´¯`•.,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§« ,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§«
July 28th, 9:30 PM, Berbatis in Portland OR , 21+ show
Death by Doll, featuring Dame Darcy, will be playing with Von Iva and Iz
Berbati’s Pan and Restaurant: 10 SW 3rd Avenue, corner of 3rd and Ankeny
»§«,¸¸,.•´¯`•.,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§« ,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§«
July 29th, 2:30 PM, Capitol Theater @ Ladyfest Olympia
Death by Doll, featuring Dame Darcy, will be playing with Von Iva (members of 7 Year Bitch and Clone)
July 30th, 1:00 PM, The Mark @ Ladyfest Olympia
Doll Making Workshop with Dame Darcy
Directions to Ladyfest:
From Seattle, North: Take I-5 South (towards Portland), get off at EXIT 105 A (keep LEFT at the fork in ramp). Follow signs to CITY CENTER, At second traffic light turn RIGHT onto Capitol Way, then turn right on 5th Avenue. The Capitol Theatre (where night shows will take place, and passes can be collected) is at 246 5th Ave.
From Portland, South: Take I-5 North (towards Seattle), get off at EXIT 105 (keep LEFT at the fork in ramp). Follow signs to CITY CENTER, At second traffic light turn RIGHT onto Capitol Way, then turn right on 5th Avenue. The Capitol Theatre (where night shows will take place, and passes can be collected) is at 246 5th Ave.
»§«,¸¸,.•´¯`•.,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§« ,¸¸,.•´¯`•.»§«
July 30th, time and venue TBD, Seattle WA
Death by Doll and Von Iva will be playing in Seattle immediately after the Doll Making Workshop. Please visit http://www.izabelle.net/shows.html for more information
Come Visit the Dame...http://www.damedarcy.com


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